AS V0 非增強 無鹵阻燃PA66 Grilon 良好電氣性能 插頭
Grilon AS V0 是一種非增強型、阻燃型、自熄性聚酰胺 66。它是一種正常粘度、無鹵素和無磷的牌號,具有良好的電氣性能。適合注塑加工。Grilon AS V0 用于接觸板、插頭、按鈕、插入式端子排和開關組件。其他應用包括汽車、照明、電器和設備、電纜和管子、連接器、能源分配和電子產品。
Grilon AS V0 is an unreinforced, flame retardant, self-extinguishing polyamide 66. It is a normal viscosity, halogen & phosphorous-free grade which exhibits good electrical properties. Is suitable for processing by injection molding. Grilon AS V0 is used in contact plates, plugs, buttons, plug-in terminal strips and switch components. Other applications include automotive, lighting, electrical appliances and equipment, cables & tubes, connectors, energy distribution and electronics.

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